Thursday, March 1, 2007



A hearty and full Welcome to you, as you are now entering the Warblog of Centuries. It isn't the most meaningful name, but this is the blogworld where people's idiotic thoughts (mostly mine) end up in writing! Here you will be able to find a wide range of assorted goodies that I'll be posting.

Let me first start out by saying that I'm not big on introductions. Therefore, lets get right into it.

The big news of the day comes in noticing the recent nuke attacks and something I haven't seen quite yet:

We've got two resource cities that are up for grabs within the next day. Alpha and Omega has recently recovered from their "lowspot" after being nuked by New Alliance---they are #1 again. Ugh.

I think its pretty fair to say that whomever is at the "#1" spot gets ire from the other alliances. I know that N.W.O. has been ..."chillin" for a domination will come soon enough.

It is most appreciated that you've visited this entry. Well done!

Whew...enough for now. There's a blizzard warning going on in Minnesota, and frankly, I'm going to go make some hot chocolate.

--Lazy Argentum


insouc said...

hi DEA,

i found your recent Al GEWaria posts amusing, look forward to something simiar here! :)

fluteflute said...

Are you going to keep posting here?